Soprano Titanium is the most advanced form of laser hair removal. With Soprano Titanium you can see the fastest and painless most effective form of laser hair removal. The Soprano Titanium, which can be applied 40% faster than Soprano Platinum, is the latest technology for permanent hair removal. Meet Soprano titanium, the latest version of laser hair removal for soft, smooth skin.
Soprano Titanium Laser Hair Removal
At Ilknur Altintas you will be treated with the Soprano Titanium laser. This is the most advanced and latest laser technology available today. This means hair removal is effective and virtually painless and the painful light flashes of previous laser technology are over. The Soprano Titanium laser sends a laser wavelength to the hair follicle, causing the hair follicle to lose its nourishing properties. Thus, the hair follicle disappears and the chance of growing new hair is impossible.
The Soprano Titanium laser is unique, and is the only laser that combines the three most effective laser wavelengths in one handpiece. The laser is also equipped with an ICE+ cooling system, which keeps your skin perfectly cooled during the treatment. The most unique aspect of the Soprano Titanium is the extra large 4Quattro treatment head, which makes it possible to perform the treatment even faster than ever. The Soprano Titanium laser is FDA approved, a very safe treatment.
The treatments can take place all year round. Whether you have light, dark or even tanned skin, or coarse or fine hair. By depilating with the Soprano Titanium laser, the result is silky smooth, hair-free skin for women and men.
SHR hair removal method
SHR™ is the only clinically proven laser hair removal method that is virtually painless and is the safest laser hair removal method for all skin types, including dark and tanned skin. The unique gradual heating and single pulse delivery method effectively damage the hair follicle and hinder the growth of new hair while preventing injury to the surrounding tissue. SHR™ affects the skin’s melanin using a unique method, allowing the procedure to be performed at any time of the year, as well as on tanned skin. In addition, sun exposure is less traumatic to the skin after SHR treatment.
Ice Plus
ICE Plus™ is an advanced technology that continuously cools the skin and allows a controlled temperature range throughout the treatment. This cooling system is further developed with ICE Plus technology in Soprano Titanium compared to Platinum. The cold sapphire tip of the ICE Plus™ minimizes risks to the epidermis while retaining the skin’s heat in the dermis, where the hair follicles are treated. The acne problem with classic laser hair removal is also eliminated with ICE Plus technology.
3d Technology
Soprano Titanium combines three most effective laser wavelengths, Alexandrite, Diode, Nd:YAG . This allows us to target different tissue depth and anatomical structures within the hair follicle. Soprano Titanium is the safest and most effective hair removal treatment available today.

Frequently Asked Questions
Read the most frequently asked questions and answers about laser hair removal here
There are many questions about laser hair removal. We provide appropriate answers to the most frequently asked questions, which you can read below. Is your question not listed? Then contact us.
Frequently asked questions about laser hair removal
Ice Laser cools the skin down to -3 degrees during epilation with its patented ICE Technology head, enabling an almost painless laser epilation process.
Soprano titanium uses ICE™ technology, which cools the skin for a long time. The cold sapphire point on the head of the ice laser device cools and relaxes the skin during application. The sapphire point is ice cold on contact with the skin, cooling the skin from down to -3°C. This cooling system to use the patient’s comfort, to make the use of the skin more comfortable.
The average number of hair removal sessions required is 6-8. The number of sessions can vary due to factors such as age, gender and also density, thickness and color of the hair. In 6-8 sessions, which is the average number of sessions, hair on the body is reduced by 80-90%.
This differs per zone and per person. Depending on the zone it is at least 4-5 weeks in the beginning and gets longer towards the end of your sessions.
Hair removal procedures such as waxing and epilation should be stopped at least 1 month before laser epilation. The laser beam is absorbed by the melanin pigment, which gives its color to the hair, and is transmitted to the hair root, damaging the hair root. In the following sessions, the hair root is destroyed so that it can no longer produce hair. Therefore, in laser epilation, the target is the hair root, and if there is no hair root, laser epilation cannot be effective. Since waxing is a process of removing hair from the root, it should definitely not be done before laser epilation.
Yes, you must shave the area 1 day in advance. You may also trim the face/face. Epilation with tweezers, string or epilation machine is not permitted. Waxing is also not allowed.
Yes. The Soprano Titanium SHR™ method affects the skin’s melanin using a unique method that allows the treatment to be performed at any time of the year, even on tanned skin. In addition, sunlight is less harmful to the skin after an SHR™ treatment. Please note that you do not sunbathe or tanning beds 7 days before and after the treatment.
Yes, we also treat the lighter hair with the Soprano Titanium. This is possible because Soprano Titanium uses the latest technology so that we not only work on the pigment but also the proteins under the hair follicle. This weakens or destroys the hair follicle, preventing new hair from growing.
Yes. While the melanin in dark skin is exponentially sensitive to the heat used in laser treatment, the SHR™ method is clinically proven to be safe for dark skin types. Instead of exposing the hair follicle, which contains a lot of melanin, to high energy pulses, which can cause damage to the skin; SHR™ gradually heats the hair follicle to the desired temperature. This makes SHR™ the safest laser hair removal option, including for patients with darker skin.
Unfortunately, laser epilation cannot be performed during pregnancy. In cases of laser epilation started before pregnancy, the person should stop as soon as she learns she is pregnant and then continue.
During pregnancy
Skin infection
Taking medicines that make your skin sensitive to light
Antibiotics and the like.
If you have a pacemaker
It is not possible to laser on a tattoo or piercing.
Around an implant
Cancer patients
Open wound
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
No, this is simply not possible because everyone has a different skin type and therefore everyone reacts differently to the treatment.
- Safe & effective
- High-quality lasers
- Open 6 days a week
- Always the same practitioner
UITSTEKEND Gebaseerd op 227 recensies Naomi Laureys2025-02-11Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Heel vriendelijke en aangename dame die ook correct advies heeft. Permanente make up laten verwijderen. Heel blij met het resultaat. Ik kom hier zeker nog terug! Aya Al-T2025-02-08Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Super vriendelijk en behulpzaam! Zeer tevreden met de laserbehandeling resultaten! Ebru Guclu2025-01-23Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Zeer content geweest en heerl vriendelijk ! Zeker om aantraden Gulcan Isik2025-01-23Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ilknur is echt de beste! Ik ben nog steeds super tevreden over mijn wenkbrauwen, die ik twee jaar geleden bij haar heb laten doen (combibrows). Daarnaast ben ik onlangs gestart met laserontharing, en al na de derde sessie zie ik een enorm verschil – bijna helemaal haarvrij! Cansu Dogan2025-01-22Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ik ben van Gent gekomen om mijn wenkbrauwen te laten doen bij Ilknur ben zeer tevreden ik raad het aan iedereen Kristel Evens2025-01-20Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Hele fijne en kwalitatieve service. Heel vriendelijk ook Deniz Duran2025-01-20Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Echt hartelijke en vriendelijke mensen, echt de beste !! Echt een top in haar vak, heel professioneel, this is the place 2 be !!! Hanan Arb2025-01-14Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ilknur doet haar werk met precisie ze kent haar vak door en door en weet precies wat er bij het gezicht van de klant past. Ik ben verrast met het mooie resultaat en kom zeker terug! Natalya Danilevitch2025-01-13Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ben vandaag voor een tweede touch up gekomen voor mijn 2e keer combi brows. Ben al meer dan 2.5 jaar geleden geweest voor mijn eerste keer. Ik ben super tevreden, waardoor ik voor een 2e keer terug kom. Ik was alvoor al klant bij Ilknur en wist dat ik haar voor 100% kon vertrouwen met mijn wenkbrauwen. Ben enorm blij met het resultaat en zal binnen een jaar weer terugkomen voor mijn touch-up ❤️ Zakia2025-01-13Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ik heb een laserbehandeling gehad voor het gelaat en ben er zeer tevreden mee. Ik zal blijven komen voor andere lichaamsdelen. Ik ben al meer dan 1 jaar klant!